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Self-cleaning glass has been described as an impossible dream that could never truly be realised. Yet, after an intensive research program, Pilkington Activ™ is here and available to you right now. |
By using the forces of nature to help keep itself free from dirt, Pilkington Activ™ will transform the way we think about the windows and conservatories in our homes forever more.
How does Pilkington Activ™ work?
Pilkington Activ™ has an active coating chemically bonded onto its outside surface, which is designed to absorb the ultraviolet light given off by the sun. This absorption process causes a reaction on the surface of the glass, which breaks down and loosens dirt. Then, when it rains, the coating causes rain water to 'sheet' off the surface of the glass, which not only washes away the loosened particles of dirt, but also prevents the formulation of droplets, which cause streaks and make windows look
dirty. |

Some frequently asked questions about Pilkington Activ™
- Does Pilkington Activ™ work immediately?
After an initial period of about one week the glass will absorb enough UV light to trigger the Pilkington Activ™ coating. This reaction will then start to break down and loosen dirt.
- Does Pilkington Activ™ work all of the time?
Pilkington Activ™ is constantly cleaning, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. That's because once activated it only requires a small amount of UV light to produce the reaction that breaks down and loosens dirt. So Pilkington Activ™ works when it's cloudy and even at night.
- How long does the self-cleaning process last?
Tests on Pilkington Activ™ show that it will keep on working beyond the expected lifetime of the double glazing unit itself. And because the coating is bonded to the glass it will not be worn away or rubbed off-in fact the only way it can be damaged is it the glass itself is damaged, such as scraping it with metal or another sharp object.
- Does Pilkington Activ™ work on heavy soiling?
Pilkington Activ™ works to loosen and break down all organic soiling, including deposits such as bird droppings. This ensures that particularly heavy soiling is easily cleaned away by rinsing with water from a hosepipe or by using a damp cloth. The coating is then naturally re-activated by the sun's UV rays after a few days.
- How easy is it to clean Pilkington Activ™ if you need to?
Your windows may need cleaning if there has been a prolonged dry spell, or if they are heavily soiled. However, cleaning will be much easier and will need to be undertaken much less frequently. You won't need any special cleaners and under normal conditions a simple hosing down with water will suffice.
- Where can Pilkington Activ™ be used?
Pilkington Activ™ can be used in almost any exterior application, such as windows, conservatories, facades and glass roofs. It can be installed in both vertical and angled glazing applications. Pilkington Activ™ is especially useful for inaccessible windows where dirt normally collects, like skylights for instance.
- How do I know I have Pilkington
Activ™ in my windows?
Pilkington Activ™ can be identified using a unique hand-held detector
on the coated surface, which your installer should have available. Your installer
should also provide you with a Pilkington Activ™ installation certificate.
- Is Pilkington Activ™ environmentally friendly?
Yes, in every way-including application, installation and use. Furthermore, Pilkington ActivÔ requires less cleaning and no chemical cleaners or detergent, making it even kinder to the natural world.
The benefits of Pilkington Activ™ to you
- It is the world's first self-cleaning glass
- It works even on cloudy days and during the night
- It breaks down and loosens even heavy soiling
- It can be used in almost any domestic application
- It will not be worn or rubbed off
- It will last the lifetime of the glazing unit itself
- It carries its own authenticity logo on every unit
- It is easily cleaned during dry spells by simply hosing down with water
- It has been created and is manufactured by the world's leading glass producer-Pilkington
- It can by used in conjunction with Pilkington K Glass to provide increased energy efficiency and savings on heating bills